Mimi lived a life of contemplation. An astute observer of humanity, she was often moved with compassion for those who suffered injustice in a society that was not always balanced or fair.
Though somewhat of a loner, Mimi was passionate about her family. Very proud of the ‘stock’ from which she came, expressing often her fervent love for them. Often she commented that nothing that anyone in her family could do would diminish her great love for them. She always included her family in her prayers, petitioning Father God to protect them from unseen hurt, harm and danger.
Mimi was a prolific writer and a gifted speaker. She used these divinely inspired gifts to coach her daughter and later, her granddaughters. It was through her generous efforts along these lines that her daughter and granddaughters develop a love for writing and speaking. Mimi encouraged them to feel and believe what they wrote and spoke about. Her influence upon their lives was tremendous.
She loved gospel and inspirational music. “Speak to My Heart,” and “Only a Look” (at Jesus) were her favorite songs. Her favorite quote was the serenity prayer; “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.” Psalm 31, “In thee, Oh Lord, do I put my trust...” was always her favorite and most quoted scripture.
As the sun began to set in her life, often one could hear her praying fervently. Mimi knew that God loved her and that He was with her, especially during the difficult times. Often she would remember those loved ones who proceeded her in death; her mother, Anna Macklin Peete. Her father, Willie Elbert Peete. A sister and brother, Ella Meese Peete Hunt and Floyd Leland Peete, Sr. Three nephews, Nathaniel Peete, Floyd Peete Jr., Hewitt L. Peete. Beloved Nieces and a great niece, Barbara Woods Peete, Katherine B. Garrett and Rhonda Peete Frimpong, respectively. Many cousins who grew up with her in Stanton, TN where she was born on Oct. 26, 1926, have gone on before her. She cherished their memory and spoke of them often.
Remembering her with great love is her daughter Doris Peete Embry, granddaughters Illeshia and Nia Embry, a nephew whom she loved dearly and spoke of often, Michael Garrett, Sr. Great Grandsons, John, Jalen, and Joshua Wiese, Dream McCullough and great-great grandson, Elijah Benson-Weise. Dear Nieces, Ellen Peete and Willie Mae Peete. Cherished Cousins, Dorothy Willett and family, Rupert Peete, Sr. and family, beloved children of Odessa Bolden, the Cosby family and Dorothy Robinson-Rainey. Beloved Son-in-Law, Dustin Weise. Loving great nephews and great nieces who never forgot to call or come by, Anthony Peete, Darryl Peete, Jacqueline Peete, Michael Garrett, Jr., Bryan Garrett, Nathaniel Peete, Jr., Yacqui Peete, and Shana Peete. Mimi was blessed to have so many young people to take an interest in her well-being and shower her with love.
Having departed this life, September 23, 2016, her fondest desire has now been realized, seeing her Lord and Savior, Jesus. For to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord! (2 Corinthians 5:8)
Visitation at 9:00 a.m on Saturday, October 1st, with service following at 10:00 a.m. at Serenity Funeral Home. Burial in Memorial Park Southwoods.
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1638 Sycamore View Road
Memphis, TN 38134
1638 Sycamore View Road
Memphis, TN 38134
Cemetery Details
5484 Hacks Cross Road
Memphis, TN 38125